View from Caedmon Hall onto the Acre

The image should refresh itself automatically. If it does not appear, then reload the page.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Server restart - camera update stopped

This morning at 5:07, the camera server in my office decided to shut down, probably because of some pending Windows Updates. Therefore, no new image was uploaded to the web server until now (10:55). The server now is up and running ok again. There still may be occasional outages, as I am currently getting more Windows updates.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Web cam listed on Facebook

Carl Noblet has addeds this Leeds Met Headingley camera into the listing at the Facebook group Leeds Met Headingley Campus Grounds. Thanks, Carl!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Marquee has been dismantled

The marquee has now been dismantled. A time lapse sequence of more than 7000 individual images has been recorded which can be integrated into a fast-forward-running video. The recording has now stopped, the camera has been turned to show again the James Graham Building, and the image capture time period has been shortened from 2 minutes to 30 seconds.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Webcam Recording: Dismantling of the Marquee

The webcam has now been set up to record an image series (timelapse) of the dismantling of the Marquee on the Acre, here at the Leeds Met Headingley Campus. Yesterday, the direction of the camera was moved slightly to the right, to get a better view of the marquee, instead of the walk way ikn front of it.