View from Caedmon Hall onto the Acre

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Refresh Time Reduced: 60 seconds

During the Carnegie Great Student Run, the webcam was set to a refresh time of 10 seconds, so that viewers could get a rapid update of the acrivities in the Start/Finish area, where the camera was pointing to.

Now we have reduced the camera refresh time to 60 seconds, because the server bandwidth will be used for other purposes. This means that even if the refresh is set by an external website to a faster rate, there will only be a new image available every 60 seconds.

Since one week, the camera has slightly been turned towards the Acre, giving a vew of the Marquee tent which is being built for our upcoming Graduations and the Leeds Met Staff Development Festival in September. So for the next few months, the camera will show those big white tents.

I have set up the system to record a picture every minute, so that one can create a time-lapse recording of the tent contruction. We will see how this comes out...


Anonymous said...


I was wondering how you set up your system to record a picture every minute. Did you use a specific program?

Many thanks.

Reinhold Behringer said...


I wrote my own software for this: it captures an image at a specified time, then stores it locally. Afterwards it starts an FTP session with the web server and uploads the file there.

Right now there seems to be a problem, as my office PC appears to have crashed... and I am on travel, cannot fix it until I am back